I had fun listening to bands on Saturday night at the Bo and not so much fun avoiding the roadblock just around the corner on my way home. Luckily, I'd been given a warning from Frans, part of Jet Black Camaro, a band I'm sure I shall post about soon, so I got home safely and sent out some embarrassing sms's just to spice up my Sunday with the cringe factor.

Rambling Bones and his Bloody Agents are just too much blarry fun – these dudes have all been involved in their own projects over the years so are each accomplished musicians in their own right – and accomplished at skullduggery too...ahem. (Note on my 'accomplished musician' quote: an accomplished musician I am not so how would I know if they are? Perhaps I should have said accomplished 'havers of fun', because I too am accomplished at that. This really shows on stage, with them, not me. Good, good vibes, from them...and me.) 

My favourite song is Sail Away (not an Enya cover – har har) but all of the songs are great. I like their baboon song too. So thank you Jay, Leighton and Eric, and everybody else at the Bo who made it such a fun night.

I stress the 'not me' on stage part of the paragraph because I am soon to make my debut on stage at the ripe old age of 29 and I am not afraid to say that I am terrified. The gig is with Dirty Uncle Gav and it's in 2 weeks and that's about all I know. I'm not sure if I'll post the details cause I might not want anyone to be there but what I am willing to divulge is my favourite lyrics out of the songs I will sing so far are : 'I start changing my mind, I go crazy, then there's trouble'.
Till next time amigos


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